July 25, 2013

One of the main reasons I started this blog was to tell others about my journey and so they have another outlet that is not meant to scare the crap out of them, but to give them hope and positive reassurance. When I first received my diagnosis of having two types of thyroid cancer I found myself scared and looking for answers. I started looking online and only found horror stories of people battling thyroid cancer and how horrific  it changed their lives. After reading many of these posts I found myself having panic attacks. I did not want to go through what these people were going through. The fear of it was taking over my days. I had to turn off my computer and call my family and friends for help and advice. I did come across a few really great blogs (this is one I felt was quite close to my experience) (this one is good as well) and I would go back to them on a regular basis to get information on thyroid cancer and what is involved. I thought if I start my own blog there would be another  place for people to go.

Don’t be Afraid to reach Out for Help

Studies prove that people who reach out in times of need, to friends and family, have a better prognosis and get through situations and illnesses much better than those who do not reach out. I just read a great article on the subject of resilience in the July/August, 2013  issue of Scientific American Minds Magazine. I am not one for the spotlight or to ask for help. I like to be on the giving side of things. So it was tough to have people worrying and helping me. At the same time I did not want to do this alone. When brining up cancer it does scare some people away. I have many family members and friends that just hid away from the whole situation. But, overall, people have been very supportive and willing to help me, be it starting a fundraiser or just getting me out of the house for coffee and cracking jokes.

My mom has been really great and kept me grounded, especially when that little pity party or worrying song starts playing in my head. She would say, “Go get some food, your just hungry”, or “Stop fussing and go take a nap. You are just tired”.” or, “Find your happy place and relax”.  She will not let me get away with it and I love her for that. I know she is worrying like crazy, she is my mom, but she has kept me grounded throughout this whole process.

One of my first phone calls when I found out about my cancer was my cousin, who has always been there through my whole life really. She is like a big sister to me and she knows me better than anyone, better than I know myself really. There have been times in which we have not spoken for months even a year or two, but when we reconnect it is like we are just picking up where we left off, like it was yesterday. As soon as she found out about my diagnosis she would send extra reassuring messages to me, checking up on me. She would always do this, out of the blue. She seems to know when I am at my lowest and need a pick-me-up.

I messaged another close friend, who had gone through some really tough times with medical issues in her past. She was so understanding and had me taking a step back to look at the big picture. She didn’t sugar coat it, but was there listening and being reassuring. She also connected me with people that she knew who had gone through thyroid cancer treatment as well. I was so thankful to have her there.

I also called one of my close aunts, who is an amazing woman and had gone through some hardships herself. She talked about her experiences and even gave me some insight I had not thought about. We talked on the phone for over an hour, crying and laughing, laughing and crying. This was a turning point for me. Even if they were not going through the same exact thing I was, they had advice or knew someone I could connect with. Just having people in my life loving me and knowing i can contact them in my dark times meant the world to me.

So, don’t be afraid to reach out. There are also lots of network groups out there too. I also found Thyroid Cancer Survivor’s Association Inc., which is a great place for info., recipes and support.