Sometimes technology can be such a hassle, fighting with updates, checking email, etc., but today I love it!

It was that time again. My yearly tests; blood work, thyrogen shots and full-body scan. After weeks on LID (Low Iodine Diet), several days of shots and blood work I finished off Thursday with a whole body scan. I went online, August 7th, one day after my WBS and saw my results along with my blood work! I can get use to this.

After I had my surgeries and treatment in 2013 my blood levels just were not going down like they should be. Last year, even though I had no more tumors showing in my body my thyroglobulin levels were still high. This meant cancer was still present. All I could do is wait another year for more tests. Was my body fighting or was in letting me down?

Well, everything looks great! The scan was clear. But, most importantly this time around, my Thyroglobulin is down from 1.7 to 0.9 (This number should be 0 if at all possible). This may not seem like a huge jump in numbers, but this is the closest someone can get to saying “You are cancer free”. After two years of waiting I will take it!

I am exhaling a huge breath of happiness and relief!

I will be back next year for my yearly tests, of course. I want everyone who is battling thyroid cancer or knows someone who is, to know the importance of a life-long testing. This cancer may not come back. There is a chance it can. It could be a year, or twenty years from now. If it does come back catching it early is the key! Keep up with your tests and check ups. I know no one likes LID and do not get me started on the cost of the thyrogen shots, alone! It is still very important to be consistent with our care and being your own advocate as well.

I went in for my Monday and Tuesday thyrogen shots and all I got were these two band-aides. The nurse obviously had a sense of humor.

